Capturing the Moments & Memories of friends @Cosfest 2010[Day1 done,Day2 Done,Finally all done]
Cosfest 9 theme was let make friends,and boy it was indeed that case.
Happening for the 9th year running,this yearly event at downtown east,
is one that you should not miss! Besides Cosplay competitions , there is also
Anime Karaoke competition and Anime Games world music competition where
musical talents can showcased their ability to entertain the crowd.The turnout was
good especially on Day 2 where the main Cosplay competitions are held,also on Day 2
the Singapore winds orchestra youth winds played several pieces of music including the
orchestral version of Carmelldanse which i dance to,haha it was epic, one row was photog
and the other was cosplayers we were line up right infront of where the travel booth was and facing each other "carmelldanse-ing" our hearts out.
Words of thanks:
Soon and his family for letting me stay over at his place.
Nutcase and gang whom i joined in the dinner with on the 1st day.
J2meepok who loan me his loaned 70-200 f2/8 and i really had fun with it.
Gordon who loan me his helmet and ionicle88 who took my picture above.
Fellow photogs and bloggers who attended the events and in the process promoted this sub culture.
The cosplayers who put in so much effort and accepted my request to shoot them by posing.
The organizers who made these possible.
Last but not least,its great to see families enjoying the event too,there were families who went there to support their family members who are cosplaying,(also spotted a few kids cosplaying and even a auntie IIRC). Curious passing by families enjoying themselves and mingle around,taking photos of themselves and/with the Cosplayers.
Update log:
04/07/2010-First posted
05/07/2010-Day 1 completed
06/07/2010-Day 2 1st batch up
08/07/2010-Day 2 completed.

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